Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Wusup , im chellar & shit . Im new on this blog-ing thingy . So give me time to get this up . I love fashion&drizzy&money = thats my life summ-ed up( : My freinds&family , complete me * . So im'a take tha time tu dedicate my very first blog to the one's i care aboutt <33>

Jeremy " Jerm" Mendez : he's tha brothaa(: We argue way too much . But far more goodtimes than bad . He's like my lefthand , we always think of the same things&I could tell him more than I can tell some people . haha . Point is : he's great , fucking love yah bro

Abigail " Abbie" Sanchez : she's my sis .but woah woah , do we fight . If you were to hear our convo's you would never guess we were this tightt ( : lmao . We go wayy back , ha . We had a massive " beeef " you would say , but we over camme it like it was nada . I mean we been through alot . & everyday we argue like as if we lived in tha same casa , lmao . Ayo POINT BLANK ; shes my bitch , ha DA sis i wish i always had , she's greatt , man iluu sis .

Kylie "OH KYLIE*"Braxton : Coolest&realest chick you'll eveah meeet ! ha , I love my rod , to tha fullest . She's the only person I can completly tell everything to , when im feeling down . Our Aim convo's only get betta ! Lol . Just met her like last year , & she's something like nobody round here . She's dah ROD ' fur lifee * , kno datt .

Yanae " Y-PAT " Patterson: She dah bestie type & ilhh ! we knew each other since tha sixth' gradee , if yu ask me we've been great friends since den , lmao . we had mad arguements doe , haha , its behind us now doe . She's also another person , I could just sit & talk to ! Ilhh !

Indy ; < 3 ; she's like a-lil sis to me , justt met her again this year . We always chilll , & she's reallly funny to me ! shes hellla random toO ! haha . Times at the pool with her , aree priceless* hehe , ily indy < 33

Chanel "honey,nelly" Rankins : My honey is thaa bestt ! hehe . We always have our momments , doe we hardlyy argue . We get along just fineee ( : All the time we together we either laughh our ass'es of or cry like its no tommrow . haha . I remeber my birthday at schoool , ohh , it was sad . Lol . But anytime we together it's the best . Even thoe we be burnin' tha shit outta our bangs , its all good , cause we stilll beautiful , haha . ILU HONEY .

Markies "mark" Smith : My boy best ! wuht ? iy love him ! lmao . we have tha best times in 3rd period , no other can top what we be sending notes about , haha . We get introuble when we together . But its all good cause at the end of the day he still my bestt < 3 ily !

Nahquasia" Quasia " Robinson : this a person I like to call my P.I.C = partner in crime ! hah . I love this girll < 3 She's really nice & real coool to get along with . She's down to earth , deff MEGA real * lol . We had a past how we used to play some real defensive&violent d' on each other back in 5th grade basketball , hah . But when we really got to talk , I've gotten to see how much of a humble person she is & how really nice she is . ! iluu quasiaaa .

John Rodriguez : my albino bff , is better than yourrss ( : lmfao . sike nah . All i can sayy BFF - BEST FRIENDS FOREVR . ILU .

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